Ok, after the new Harry Potter came out, I went into a bit of a craze! I've watched all the movies like a billion times, and I started the first book last Monday, finished it Thursday or Friday, started the second book, and I'm pretty close to finishing it, too! I'm hoping to go and buy the rest of the books at Barnes and Noble or something so i can finish reading them. When I get into those books, I find myself reading at hours on end! It's like reading a whole different story, because in the movies, they cut everything out and in the books, they go further into the story, and sometimes, you find things out the they don't say in the movies that would've been nice to know! Why do I love these books so much? I don't know!
If you don't like reading (most the time I don't! Which it pretty sad) look for something you're into! You'll find it alot more fun and interesting!
Never a dull moment around here.
7 years ago
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